Friday, March 21, 2014

Misson of Ability

With the release of my Baltimore Times article, I wanted to explain the mission behind Ability.

During my junior year in college I was the developmental intern for Abilities Network, a non-profit organization that provides individualized services to children and adults with disabilities. I assisted the department by researching ways to promote their events to the community while obtaining in-kind donations from local companies.

Working with Abilities Network, and being surrounded by their logo "seeing abilities, not disabilities" implemented what I want to achieve. Being told I once had a learning disability made certain situations difficult in school, and continued into college. Having to put more time and effort into my work than other students never seemed to get any easier, however having this once disability granted me the ability to see my situation differently. By turning this negative into a positive I began to see myself as hardworking, determined, and motivated.

I started to see my ability for jewelry art evolve into something more. I realized that what I was doing at a young age when I was frustrated with school was something more than just stringing beads onto a string - I was taking apart old jewelry and learning ways to put my own creations back together. I didn't know it then, but I was learning my own way.

At a certain point near the end of college, I believe it was after one of my long all nighters, it all clicked. Now at 22 I have a college degree, a full time job at a marketing agency, and of course my jewelry. I can only hope people in similar situations who are told they have a disability will learn ways to figure out what that really means. It doesn't make you weak or any less than everyone else - it only makes you stronger. It requires strength, commitment, and determination to overcome obstacles that other people do not have - and that builds character within yourself.

And that 's my mission, helping people find their ability. By turning negatives into positives and turning old jewelry & neglected material into new creations.

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