Thursday, May 29, 2014

Trash to Treasure

A while back I sent out a request on my Instagram for my followers to send me their old jewelry. There is nothing more I love than picking through old broken pieces, seeing them in a different way and then recreating them back to life. So I've decided to call this series - trash to treasure. Here is what I first received. Watch as I transform a small batch of useless items into 6 separate pieces, 3 necklaces, 2 earrings, and my very own first hand bracelet. All seaglass inspired of course.



Time is very limited these days. When I first started Ability I had no idea how it was going to turn out or how much of my time I would be spending on it. All I new is that I loved what I was doing and my creations just felt right. Now I'm currently more busy than I was over the summer. Different things feel right that I want to explore and I have other obligations. But once I get going on I'm taken right back into my zone and time flies by. If only there was more hours in the week.

If you want me to transform your old broken items I'd love to show you what I can do. Email me for my address.

More on my instagram -

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